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Class Descriptions

Pilates Apparatus

Our Sweet Elsie at 83 Years Old

Our Sweet Elsie at 83 Years Old

Pilates is an exercise system developed by Joseph H. Pilates between the 1910’s and the 1960’s. At Celebrate Life, we teach the exercises as Joseph Pilates actually taught, as forwarded by his protégé, Romana Kryzanowska. Romana says “Pilates can be described in three words – Stretch, Strength, and Control.”

While the Pilates matwork is considered the foundation of the system, the Pilates apparatus adds an element of flexibility as the springwork lengthens the muscle fibers promoting a long, lean, toned body. There are over 500 exercises on the Pilates apparatus, all designed by Joseph Pilates. Celebrate Life offers workouts on 6 pieces of Pilates apparatus, including Romana’s favorite manufactured by Gratz Industries.

While Pilates is considered one “system”, Celebrate Life offers two different services, private sessions including the apparatus, and group Pilates mat classes. The Pilates mat work is considered the foundation of the system. Then, Joseph Pilates developed the equipment to help his clients execute their mat work more effectively. The resistance of the apparatus utilized in the private sessions is based on spring resistance as compared to weight resistance. The spring resistance lengthens the fibers of the muscles as it strengthens promoting flexibility. Weight resistance tends to shorten the muscle fibers and work only in the belly of the muscle producing bulk. Ultimately, a combination of spring work on the equipment and mat work each week produces a synergy of greater effectiveness.

Physiologically, a program of three sessions or classes per week is the most effective to see results quickly. Clients who chose to do two times per week will still make progress, just not quite as efficiently. With only one time per week, without supplementing with some other kind of toning or stretching, there may be too much time over the course of seven days to develop “muscle memory” and make the permanent kinds of changes a new client may be looking to in an exercise program. A program of once a week is typically more for maintenance. Although, we do have some clients who have been able to make slow progress with a once per week program.

We have a wide range of clientele in terms of athletic ability, children to seniors, from nearly disabled to professional athletes and Olympic hopefuls. Our intention is to create a welcoming, inclusive, supportive, environment, with each client working to achieve his/her own goals in the company of others doing the same. We will demonstrate modifications or added challenge so that the classes and sessions are safe and effective for almost any client.

While the instructors at Celebrate Life are not physical therapists, and we do not represent ourselves as medical practitioners, many physical therapists use Pilates as part of a total rehabilitation program. Several of our clients have been discharged from physical therapy, and continue aftercare and maintenance programs at our studio. We are happy to consult with any doctors or therapists regarding the indications or contraindications of any specific client needs.

Unfortunately, JoEllyn currently has an extensive waitlist for private sessions on the apparatus. While she is happy to add you to the waitlist, she is not available to accommodate new clients on the equipment at this time.